Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Four encastrable Hisense BI64213EPB à 299,99€ ( ODR 50€)
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Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3

3 participants

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Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 Empty Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3

Message  Christine Jeu 9 Mai - 17:59

Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 2506175547 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 2506175547 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 2506175547 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 2506175547 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 2506175547

Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 902435 Et vous n'avez pas vu lorsqu'elle aboyait tout ce qu'elle savait parce que je n'avançais plus .... Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 902435 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 664733 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 664733 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 664733

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 Empty Re: Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3

Message  joanna Jeu 9 Mai - 18:41

merci pr le torticoliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272 Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 45272

The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 6490
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2011

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Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 Empty Re: Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3

Message  chrystaub Ven 10 Mai - 9:22

C'est clair mdr en tout cas bien vert

Messages : 1878
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2011
Age : 51
Localisation : bouc bel air

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Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3 Empty Re: Relax'Stafford (Sweet sounds of rain, forest & Stafford ^^ ( tiboudin Sefra ) <3

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