Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Stafford saves life of owner - un staffie sauve la vie de son propriétaire

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Stafford saves life of owner - un staffie sauve la vie de son propriétaire Empty Stafford saves life of owner - un staffie sauve la vie de son propriétaire

Message  Christine Sam 23 Jan - 7:41

DIABETIC Neil Herbert is alive today thanks to his Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Enzo.


When Mr Herbert, 26, collapsed in a hypoglycaemic coma at his home in Swansea, Enzo began barking incessantly to raise the alarm and a neighbour came to his aid.
“My neighbour broke down the door to find me lying unconscious, with Enzo trying to wake me up,” Mr Herbert said. “I was then rushed to the hospital, and they told me if I had lain there ten minutes longer I wouldn’t be here today.
“I owe Enzo my life. He’s my best friend and a dog in a million.”

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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