Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Charon of Knightwood Oak

3 participants

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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Charon of Knightwood Oak

Message  Brian Lun 9 Fév - 1:45

Charon of Knightwood Oak IMG_9315
Charon of Knightwood Oak IMG_9867

Brother of Clash and Charlie, the peoples choice Charon. cheers drunken Charon of Knightwood Oak 795375

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Charon of Knightwood Oak

Message  Christine Lun 9 Fév - 6:24

Very Happy à chaque fois les photos sont superbes !


Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Charon of Knightwood Oak

Message  Invité Mer 2 Nov - 22:14

Charon of Knightwood Oak 55754 Je l'ai trouvé à Charon ! Charon of Knightwood Oak 46218
Je trouvais que Gibson lui ressemblait beaucoup... Je comprends mieux maintenant Charon of Knightwood Oak 169997

Charon of Knightwood Oak 468740 Charon of Knightwood Oak 871971


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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Charon of Knightwood Oak

Message  Christine Mer 2 Nov - 22:42

Wink Very Happy Charon of Knightwood Oak 664733 Charon of Knightwood Oak 664733 Charon of Knightwood Oak 664733 Charon of Knightwood Oak 35745

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Charon of Knightwood Oak

Message  Lily Mer 2 Nov - 22:45

son harnais il déchire!!!

Messages : 3050
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2011
Age : 36
Localisation : 13

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Charon of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Charon of Knightwood Oak

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