Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Billy Ringstar

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Billy Ringstar Empty Billy Ringstar

Message  Christine Lun 6 Sep - 12:47

Billy Ringstar 2010-06-15_171800

"Billy Ringstar" was born in 1972,bred by Arthur Baxter and was by "Rapparee the Gladiator" and "Tearaway Jane".Billy was much sought after as a stud dog and went on to sire 123 pups but never entered a show in his life as his owner,Ron Freeman did'nt show his dogs.

Billy Ringstar P1030424

Billy Ringstar Brstar10Billy Ringstar Brstar11

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Billy Ringstar Empty Re: Billy Ringstar

Message  Brian Lun 6 Sep - 17:24

Billy Ringstar P1030424

Those were the days Cool , quote " I think breeders then used to look deeper into the dog than show awards...." very true Wink

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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