Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Clash of Knightwood Oak

3 participants

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Clash of Knightwood Oak Empty Clash of Knightwood Oak

Message  Elsena Jeu 21 Oct - 19:41

Clash of Knightwood Oak 664733
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0080-1
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0064
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0058-3
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0057-2
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0055-3
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0054-2
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0053-3
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0042-2
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0037-1
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0035-2
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0028-1
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0016-2
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0015-1
Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0021-1
The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 448
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009
Age : 34
Localisation : Martigues


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Clash of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Clash of Knightwood Oak

Message  Christine Jeu 21 Oct - 19:45

lol! Clash of Knightwood Oak 468740 Clash of Knightwood Oak 871971 Clash of Knightwood Oak 664733 Clash of Knightwood Oak 35745

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Clash of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Clash of Knightwood Oak

Message  Brian Jeu 21 Oct - 19:46

Clash of Knightwood Oak 100_0016-2

Tres, tres beau, a different style than his litterbrother Charlie but very handsome quand meme pirat I love you

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Clash of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Clash of Knightwood Oak

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