Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak

2 participants

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Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak Empty Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak

Message  Mathiew Sam 28 Mar - 12:35

Chilli :
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC00267
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC00099
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC00312
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC00308
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC02584-1
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC02907

Charlie :
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03348
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03199
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03203
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03218
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03220

Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC03367

...Merci Brian cheers cheers cheers
The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 289
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2009
Age : 37
Localisation : Aix-en-Provence

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Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak

Message  Brian Sam 28 Mar - 17:25

Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC01267
One of my favourites lol!
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC01327


Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak

Message  Brian Sam 28 Mar - 17:28

Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC02095
Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak DSC01941

Keeping it in the family :bdogge3:

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak Empty Re: Chilli and Charlie of Knightwood Oak

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