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Patterdales Empty Patterdales

Message  Brian Sam 19 Mar - 15:59

Patterdales 2Q==
Patterdales 9k=

Starting to get a following in France Cool

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

Message  Brian Sam 19 Mar - 16:06

Patterdales Patterdale_terriers
Patterdales Patterdale_terriers
Patterdales 014-3
Patterdales Spacer
Patterdales DSC01341
Patterdales 554
Patterdales Patterdale4x3
Patterdales PatterdaleCloseup


Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

Message  Brian Sam 19 Mar - 16:13

Patterdales Mason1_340x500_300x460
Patterdales Anam_shamus_329x350
Patterdales Snmek_193_350x297
Patterdales Mqh_jack_the_ripper_400x266
Patterdales Suzana_black_stand_3_290x300
Patterdales Mt_lion_r_booth_300x400
Patterdales Zuzana_red_scar_full_280x450
Patterdales Wochele_pack
Patterdales Rnek_aport_325x273
Patterdales Anam_april_350x216
Patterdales Snmek_076_375x283
Patterdales Mason_shortstop_400x274
Patterdales Snmek_257_275x400

I love these little dogs pirat

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Patterdales Empty History & Origins

Message  Brian Sam 19 Mar - 16:29

The border country of northern England and southern Scotland is a unique area that has given birth to several breeds of earth working terriers. The terrain is rugged, the weather harsh and the people tough. Life is primarily on remote farms with sheep being the main farm commodity, and for centuries, they have been protected from fox predation by aggressive hound and terrier work. Dogs suited to this inhospitable climate have weatherproof coats and may be larger than their southern cousins.

Patterdale terriers are native to the Lake District of northern England where the tall, bare and beautiful hills are called Fells. The weather is cold, wet and windy. The fells are steep, rocky and filled with foxes. Even 20th century farmers depend on organized fox-hound hunts to diminish the numbers of foxes that prey on their sheep, and the fox-hounds depend on fell terriers to extricate foxes from deep crevices in the rock.

The Fells are so rough that horses can not be used for hunting, so the Huntsman, his assistants, the hounds and terriers may cover miles walking on a mountainside in a day. The Huntsman and the Whipper in each keep a pair of terriers at their side to be instantly available when the fox goes to ground. Only the toughest of terriers can keep up all day, then go to earth and rout out a hill-fox under the worst of conditions. The Patterdale is that type of terrier. They are all of working terrier lineage and have a definite stamp of type. Fell and Patterdale Terriers are well known as hard-bitten terriers, willing to work any place, at any time.

While the Fell Terrier type has been known since the 1700s, it wasn’t until the early 1950s that the Patterdale Terrier had been developed as a breed as the result of the selective breeding efforts of two breeders, Cyril Breay and Frank Buck. During the 1960s, work by Brian Nuttall helped to further develop the breed.

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

Message  Christine Sam 19 Mar - 16:33

Very Happy Wink Patterdales 664733

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

Message  Brian Mar 12 Avr - 19:27

Patterdales Face-5mois-cochon3
Patterdales Dter2011

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

Message  HG Ven 15 Avr - 10:30

Patterdales 1ce0fa10Patterdales Budrat10Patterdales Dscn2010

The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 446
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2009
Localisation : LE THOLONET

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Patterdales Empty Re: Patterdales

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