Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Dude of Knightwood Oak

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Dude of Knightwood Oak  Empty Dude of Knightwood Oak

Message  Brian Ven 4 Jan - 7:51

Dude of Knightwood Oak  737238_324423267671104_610968249_o

Dude of Knightwood Oak  75044_324420824338015_960256726_n

Dude of Knightwood Oak  483311_324420391004725_2015188203_n

The Dude, an old school type, very hard-headed dog, sire to the likes of Ghandi, Fiesty, Frankie, Gordon & Glasgow, very popular with the sporting fraternity in the UK and is still available at stud Cool

Dude of Knightwood Oak  35745

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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