Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Northford-Psycho Strain

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Northford-Psycho Strain Empty Re: Northford-Psycho Strain

Message  Brian Sam 22 Aoû - 14:59

All part of the same crowd, FB's had some reasonable dogs up until they were caught in an undercover documentary, had lots of dogs confiscated, many were shipped over to the mainland, there are still some good dogs about in the Liverpool area but these are a closely guarded secret Cool

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Northford-Psycho Strain Empty Re: Northford-Psycho Strain

Message  Invité Sam 22 Aoû - 17:37

il me semble avoir vu ce documentaire qui parlait de tout cela ainsi que des diverses ramifications entre les anglais et le continent Wink


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Northford-Psycho Strain Empty Re: Northford-Psycho Strain

Message  Brian Sam 22 Aoû - 18:30

Yeah the undercover operation had far reaching consequences, hence the need for caution when speaking on forums Cool , having grown up in and around the dogmen of the time whether or not you agree with their methods a certain respect is needed when talking about third parties. The Irish dogs have died out a bit in the UK and elsewhere, they were massively poular in the 90's but now with the increase in alternative dog shows such as Ed Rieds Intercontiental people don't need to cross their dogs to get good results, with kennels like Cosmos, Ghostlyease etc there are good sporty staffies available at any time .
The Irish dog scene is very interesting from an historical point of view, but because they never reached these shores it still rests a sensitive subject Cool

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Northford-Psycho Strain Empty Re: Northford-Psycho Strain

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