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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize Empty Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

Message  Christine Mer 18 Nov - 9:01

Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize _45198689_f3d41bb2-ba71-460b-9b2e-c068f1676743

Simba, a Leonberger, is a volunteer dog with Pets As Therapists

A North Yorkshire dog who gives cuddles to people in need has won a national charity competition.
Simba, a Leonberger, lives with owner Ann Burrell in Harrogate and is a PAT dog for charity Pets As Therapists.
He goes into care homes and helps children with dog phobias and won PAT's dog of the year prize for his friendly nature and ability to calm people.
There are currently 114,000 people benefitting from PAT dog and cat therapy every week in the UK.
The pets, who are thoroughly assessed, wormed and vaccinated go through a stringent process to check the therapy is also enjoyable for them. All breeds are used except those on the dangerous dog register.
'Soulful eyes'
The animals provide comfort and rehabilitative therapy by allowing themselves to be petted and by sitting patiently while people talk to them.
According to the charity, there are more than 6,000 establishments using PAT pets, including hospitals, respite homes, special needs schools and rehabilitation centres.

Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize _45198708_32b833f2-df61-4db3-b0d2-507a50449787

Simba with Bessy McGaig, 83, at Larchfield Manor residential home

Owner and volunteer Ann Burrell said: "Simba works with people in residential homes such as Larchfield in Harrogate and has been helping a child with an extreme and debilitating dog phobia.
"The mother of the child told me that before working with Simba, her daughter thought it a better option to run into the road with the cars than to meet a dog.
"Simba was also described by one lady he worked with as 'wearing his soul in his eyes' because he's such a lovely dog."
Maureen Hennis, chief executive of PAT said: "We've had a wonderful response from healthcare professionals, especially when we work with people who are clinically depressed.
"The dogs can get through a barrier where human contact fails.
"A dog doesn't care if the words don't come out in the right order."

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize Empty Re: Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

Message  Christine Mer 18 Nov - 9:01


Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize Empty Re: Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

Message  Christine Mer 18 Nov - 9:03

Jersey pet therapy charity opens

Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize _41807538_doggenericbbc203

More than 18,000 dogs have been registers with the charity

A national charity which uses domestic pets to provide therapy for people has opened a branch in Jersey.
Pat (Pets As Therapy) visits hospitals and nursing homes with dogs to see people who may have had to give up their pets for various reasons.

All the dogs are fully vaccinated and are given an assessment to check they have a suitable temperament.

The charity says many people in care can benefit from the companionship and affection of an undemanding pet.

The charity was founded in 1983 and has 3,500 visiting dogs and 90 cats at work in the UK.

Since it began, more than 18,000 dogs have been registered with the scheme.

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize Empty Re: Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

Message  HG Mer 18 Nov - 16:41

J'ai beau me creuser la cervelle je ne comprend rien de rien. Quand on est nul en Anglais on est nul! Sad
En cours je jouais à la bataille navale maintenant je regrette.
mais je suis fort en bataille navale. Very Happy

The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 446
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2009
Localisation : LE THOLONET

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Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize Empty Re: Doctor dog wins pet therapy prize

Message  Christine Mer 18 Nov - 17:21

HG a écrit:J'ai beau me creuser la cervelle je ne comprend rien de rien. Quand on est nul en Anglais on est nul! Sad
En cours je jouais à la bataille navale maintenant je regrette.
mais je suis fort en bataille navale. Very Happy

lol! lol! lol!

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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