Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Stafford poem

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Stafford poem Empty Stafford poem

Message  Christine Dim 16 Aoû - 17:22

A Stafford from his bed one night
Looked out on his world with fading sight
He remembered the days when he was a pup
And his Master and Mother brought him up

The bitch had been a Stafford true
And soon she'd taught him all she knew
Of hill and fields of farms and rats
But now it was time to leave all that

Outside the house, he heard the wind moan
As he pushed aside an old chewed bone
And settled in comfort, tight and warm
For he knew he was safe from the wintry storm

With rugged ears and joints jarred
Showed he'd lived and lived so hard
To please his Master to try his best
Reliable, far above the rest

Slowly he closed his flickering eyes
And realised much to his surprise
That youth had returned to his weary frame
And he heard his Master call his name

He rose and bounded outside to meet
The man he trusted and loved to greet
And together they walked the paths of old
In Autumn, Winter, rain and cold

Together they walked as long ago
Again he felt the earth below
Tired limbs mean't not a jot
He was with his Master he had the lot

The morning came and with the dawn
His Master found that life was gone
From the old dog that would leave a space
No other Stafford could replace

Let them dream of field and stream
Not of cages and buildings they've seen

This was originally written as a tribute to a working terrier

Poet unknown

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 53
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Stafford poem Empty Re: Stafford poem

Message  Brian Dim 16 Aoû - 18:12

Stafford poem 53686 Stafford poem E5001139 Stafford poem E5000080

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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