Celtic Oak - Staffordshire Bull terrier - Fila Brasileiro - Cane Corso
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Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :)

3 participants

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Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Empty Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :)

Message  Mathiew Dim 30 Aoû - 13:35

Voilà les photos en meilleure qualités Smile
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Dsc06610
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06722
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06723
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06733
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06735
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06731
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06655
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06669
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06670
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06675
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06676
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06678
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06685
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06693
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06694
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06712
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06714
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06717

Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Bureau1
Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Bureau2

Photo by Mathiew and Elsena Smile
The Oaks
The Oaks

Messages : 289
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2009
Age : 37
Localisation : Aix-en-Provence

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Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Empty Re: Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :)

Message  Christine Dim 30 Aoû - 14:11

Quoi dire de plus à part que Chilli et les photos sont TOP TOP TOP TOP ... euh j'allais oublier TOP lol! Basketball

Bravo à vous deux cheers sunny flower

Messages : 27917
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2008
Age : 52
Localisation : Plus tu t'en fout, plus tu seras heureux !


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Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Empty Re: Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :)

Message  Brian Dim 30 Aoû - 17:57

Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) DSC06712

Pure class Cool

Messages : 3042
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2008

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Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :) Empty Re: Chilli of Knightwood Oak again !!! :)

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